FUQRS #1 - Neuenburg
"Freiburger Umland Querfeldein Renn-Serie" - translates as the Countryside around Freiburg crosscountry race series, but the acronym FUQRS is a catchy title. This weekend saw the first event of the 2014/15 series near Neuenburg, a small town half way between Basel and Freiburg.
Its only 36km to the north, so I decided to cycle to the start by way of the Rhine island. From just north of Basel to beyond Freiburg is the Rhine canal, shipping passes along the canal and the original river flows in parallel, in between the two is a largely disused thin strip of land. Theres a golf course north of Neuenburg, and hydroelectric stations along the way. Not much else to see, and unless you're wanting to cycle offroad to Neuenurg, it would be a boring route on another day.
As it was I arrived in plenty of time to check out the course. The series is free and put together by a bike shop in Lorrach called FollowMe and Wolfis bike shop in Heitersheim. Its free, and considered more a practice event for some of the competitors here, but this makes it a relaxed atmosphere and a fun place to test the cross country skills. Of course, when the whistle goes, everyone is riding as fast as they can, so its a fair race in the end. The start requires everyone to place their bikes on the ground, then walk approximately 50m away, from where the real start line is. Then a mad dash to pick up the bikes ensues, and we cycled 40mins plus one lap. The course looped a fishing pond, and was fairly technical which I liked. Some stairs and fallen trees required dismounts as did two short sharp ascents. When the pros lapped me, I was amazed to see the leader jump over the fallen trees, no dismount required!
In the end, I had no idea how many laps I had done, or how far behind the leader I was, and so far have seen no results but it really doesn't matter, it was a fun first cross country race for me.
Oh, and no mud of course! The long hot October surely must end now, this was one final day of warmth. So after the fantastic cakes and coffee post race, I couldn't possibly cycle back along the Rhine canal. The Blauen was calling, possibly for one final ascent of 2014.
The route was direct as possible from the CX race, through the Badischer vineyards which are in various stages of autumnal colours. Once up the Blauen, I was treated to the best views I've ever had from the Blackforest or the Vosges. The Swiss Alps to the south were remarkably clear with the sun glistening off the glaciers, it was well worth the struggle up! (It still is a struggle on the Boardman CX, as the gearing is far too high.) Of note, the new Roche tower is now visible in the distance, a huge new addition to the Basel landscape.
This seems the best way to tackle Blauen offroad, the last mountain bike attempt took endlessly undulating forest tracks out and back. So the fast route out, quick ascent then enjoying the route to Lipple (with magical spring waterwater) and mainly descent to Endenburg and the Hohe Strasse back home make a great day out. But maybe I couldn't have done it without those homemade cakes.
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