Sunday, 25 May 2014


Its now 3 years of living in Basel, and 3 years since I last ran the Dreiländerlauf - the three country run. The course remains largely the same, with four crossings of the Rhine, quiet parks and the run along Lange Erlen back to Basel.
I was faster this time, 1hr 29 11s on my watch though the official time is slower as they didn't time us on the start line, everyone was given the same start time.
So that was a good result, but in the days since I found I sustained muscle damage to my left calf. There are several short descents, and especially the finish drops down from the Munsterplatz to Marktplatz at a time when you want to sprint to the finish line and also when the muscles are most tired.
Not ideal as now its sit and recover until Sunday and the Suisse 70.3 in Rapperswill...