Season operner? But where are all the snowy bike photos? Winter has passed by, with not one snowy
bike ride of note. My road bike has been out of service more due to the idea that winter is for cross and mountain bikes more than making any effort to put the pedals back on the bike.
Today was a great day heading out up the Wiesental to Neuenweg, up and over to Munstertal then Wiedernereck, and climbing up to the best Kirschtorte of them all at the Auerhähn at the top of Hockopf. All the better as the whole journey seemed to be virtually motorbike free, the biker groups must still think theres snow up there.

Also new today - tri bars! I got a pair of Profile T1+ last week and this was the first day. OK, of course they give you aero dynamic position that was known, but what I noticed was that resting the arms on the pads and bars is a much more relaxed and comfortable position to be in, and it felt like I could breathe easier and found myself using the bars on some climbs. Quite annoyed the pads get in the way of my hands when climbing, and can bump the knees, so some adjustments have been made for the next trial. Also feels odd having the bars guiding you down the descents, as my line of sight seemed to be guided by the direction of the bars, which is misleading, just like when you are riding at night and the lights points forwards, but you want to turn to the left or right.
@Hochkopfhaus zum Auerhähn |
New section of the day, or at least a new direction was Todtmoos to Gersbach - normally I'd drop down the fast, beautiful gorge of Wehrtal, but the short climb up to Gersbach is well worth it for the super smooth roads down to Schopfheim - could this be the smoothest, slickest climb and descent in the black forest?